Conflict Resolution in The Classroom

A New, Free Resource for Educators

By Brenda Miller, Author

Every teacher deserves a satisfying teaching experience and every student deserves an engaging teacher.

How do you make that happen when your dream of standing at the head of the class and imparting meaningful lessons fizzles into frustration because kids are lost in their own multitude of problems?

After teaching conflict resolution in six countries, I wrote 4 books to address these issues and each of them can be used in a classroom setting.

I would like to offer you useful educational resources: free downloads, free training, and other resources that lend themselves to restorative justice and contain the following critical attributes for enhancing wellbeing in the classroom:

  • Credible with reliable endorsements—from within your field. Jack Canfield, bestselling author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and a former teacher says, “When you talk to teachers, tell them you’d have written this book the exact same way for them.”
  • Engagingly relevant—‘right now relief’ in an upset with a child is never more relevant than in an upset. 
  • Cognitively friendly—is just a fancy way to say the strategies are easy to use and attractive, because the consequence is joy.
  • Valuable enough to be used life-long—the ability to turn chaos into calmness is one of the most important things any human being can ever learn—because challenges don’t stop.
  • Impactful—it’s that one thing that you taught your students that made you the teacher they remembered for their whole lives—and you learned it in The Kid Code.
  • Humanitarian—promotes higher evolutionary outcomes in a way that protects and enriches each of us and our planet.
  • Light-hearted in its approach—Light-hearted gets their attention, open-hearted keeps it—The Kid Code offers both.
  • Heart-warming with its results—The strategies in The Kid Code blossom anyone who uses them.
  • Able to offer support—Brenda has volunteered time and resources to teachers, students, administrators, and parents.
  • Able to deepen understanding and use of the work—through additional online courses, books, podcasts, and blogs.
The Kid Code Brochure

Peaceful Conflict Resolution in the Classroom

Register to download the brochure.

Every teacher deserves a rewarding teaching experience, and every student deserves a peaceful teacher.

You are invited to use and teach this simple conflict resolution strategy that aligns with restorative justice—to yourself, your students, your parents, and the administrators in your school. 

Contact me for the brochure below to learn more.


(from Blessing Mistakes—strategy for restorative justice). When we learn to give ourselves and others grace, not grief when a mistake is made, the stress is taken out of making them! Part two of Blessing Mistakes is to make the mistake right, learn from it and let it go.


(from The Kid Code). We all get attitude when we don’t get what we want and none of us want that feeling. This strategy teaches us to feel as good when we end an activity we like as we do when we began it—for our own wellbeing.

Natural Consequences

(from The Kid Code). Teachers are invited to make lists with the kids of the natural consequences they face (ahead of time) which reduces the need for correction when the incident happens. An easy example to learn this is: Action: go out in the rain without an umbrella. Consequence: get wet. A second and relevant example is: Action: don’t hand in a test on time. Consequence: feel stressed out, get grumpy, blame others and situations, get in trouble at school and at home. Action: Hand in the test on time. Consequence: feel a sense of accomplishment, don’t get in trouble with anyone. This strategy takes judgment and punishment out of our lives.

How To Stop Bullying

(from BullyProof Yourself & Your Kids). Perform ‘Ubuntu’ on the bully and on the victim. Ubuntu is a South African philosophy that engenders unity—it’s miraculous in its effect on the parties involved.

How to teach children aged 7 - 12 Blessing Mistakes

(from Mr. Upalupagus’s Secret Secrets). Tell your students a story from this book that conveys the message, “Your matter more than the mistake.” Mr. U takes his little-bit rowdy but lovable crew of animals on outer adventures around the world only to discover something beautiful about their inner selves. In Paris, Mr. U being a bit clumsy knocks over the Eiffel Tower and says, Bless me. The crew looks on in horror—he didn’t sneeze, he knocked over one of the most famous towers in the world. Mr. U takes the opportunity to teach the crew Blessing Mistakes and then he raises his trunk, “Hnnnnnnnn” and calls all the elephants in the Paris Zoo and all the ants in the city to come and put the tower back up (part two of Blessing Mistakes is to make the mistake right)!.

Enrollment Form

If you are interested, please make an appointment HERE to talk with me about free training and about enrolling your school or program in this partnership towards wellbeing for teachers, administrators, students, and their parents. All we ask in return is for you to share what a difference this work has made in your school.

For the love of kids, Brenda Miller

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