Blessing Mistakes

This connection-creating, stress-dissolving strategy can be done by a five year old. Since a mistake is already done, giving ourselves and others grace instead of grief when a mistake is made is good for everyone’s well being. It’s not only effective with mistakes, but also with any negative state because those are mistakes, too. Any time your child makes a mistake: knocks over their drink, has a tantrum, or displays any negative behavior, you can use this strategy for your own relief, and theirs. The insights offered, along with several good ideas for when to use the strategy will help you implement this today—one big step towards peaceful and positive parenting. 

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What Problems This Course Can Resolve

  • The stress we feel when we make a parenting mistake (holler at a child, punish a child, etc.)
  • The stress our children feel when they make a mistake (drop their cereal on the floor, forget to do a must-do, etc.)
  • Parents expressing disapproval of a child when they make a mistake
  • The urge to punish, judge, criticize, or lecture a child when they make a mistake
  • The disconnection between parents and children when a mistake is made, if it’s been handled with disapproval 
  • Uncooperative kids when they make a mistake (they are demonstrating resistance)

Key Takeaways

  • Stress can be reduced in your household by 50% when you use this strategy.




9:48 min

About Your Instructor

Lasha Watson

Lasha is a Kid Code teacher, entrepreneur, wife, and mother dedicated to creating a space for women to come together to explore their belief systems, stories, and wounds that limit them from creating the life they desire. 

The strategies she teaches from The Kid Code will help you to connect to your courage and allow you to break free from continually feeding the old stressful patterns that keep you feeling on edge, tired & exhausted.   

It is her goal to leave women feeling inspired to embrace the ease, grace & joy that resides within them, naturally—creating a ripple of change within themselves within all relationships and within all aspects of life.

Lasha is an experienced instructor with a willing and warm heart. 

She welcomes you to join the journey of creating the life you desire through self-exploration and the strategies in The Kid Code.

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