As a certified BreakThrough Instructor with IBA Global Healing, Brenda taught conscious conflict resolution in six countries. To broaden her expertise in turning chaos into calmness, she studied and applied the work of the Masters who live without stress. They include Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Sadhguru, Mooji, Guy Finley and more.
Brenda has been in private practice for twenty years where she’s devoted herself to helping people free themselves from upsets and inner conflict—in 30 seconds! Her favorite discovery has been that joy is natural for all human beings—no exceptions. She helps parents and their kids rediscover theirs by doing one of these strategies every time a negative state appears.
While she has an Associate Degree in Holistic Nutrition and diplomas in Business and Writing, she is passionate (all day long) about helping people find peace inside of themselves – so they can access it no matter where they are. She has proof that we are meant to live that way! By doing this work, she went from grumpy to grateful and from blaming—to blossoming her kids (and herself).
She’s married to a man who generously blesses her mistakes, and they have three kids who gave them six granddaughters and two step-granddaughters—and that means that family get-togethers are a happy reminder that kids bring everyone to life!
In this course, consisting of 4 videos, you will learn bully basics, bully tactics, bully buttons, and BullyProof strategies that take the target off your back and your kids backs. You will learn how to help your child whether they are the victim or the bully. Be prepared, by doing these exercises, to watch bullies disappear from your life—or change!
By purchasing this course, you assume and accept all responsibility and liability for using the content contained herein. This course is not intended to replace professional advice.
Price: $25 Duration: 40:81
Advanced Course: In less than an hour, Brenda will teach you several ways to unfriend anger—and one humorous way to help it take a hike! There are 3 videos: Unfriending Anger 19:36, Poking Holes In The Punishment Paradigm 14:15, and Nasty or Natural 7:03. Anger fractures relationships, is toxic to our bodies and is addictive—all good reasons to say adios to it!
Parents, this is for you to offer to your child to help them dissolve upsets instantly! Please watch it and practice the strategies and then invite your child to watch it with you. This course teaches kids about their nature and what to do to get back to it when an upset arises. Three simple strategies are shared here that turn chaos into calmness: Blessing Mistakes, Unfriending Anger and Breath Watching.
You assume and accept all responsibility and liability for using the content contained herein. This content is not intended to replace professional advice.
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